Refill Prescriptions at Kaiser Permanente Pharmacy

Kaiser Permanente is a massive U.S. healthcare provider with offices all over the country. If you’re new to the company, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to have your prescription refilled for the first time. Check out below for tips.

Bring All of Your ID and Paperwork With You the First Time

When you first go to fill a prescription at Kaiser Permanente, you’re going to have to prove that you are who you say you are. Bring all of your identification with you, including state ID, your insurance card and the prescription information from your doctor. Once this information is entered into the system, you probably only need to use your ID going forward.

Order Your Refills Online

One of the easiest ways to order your refills is to order them online. Doing so eliminates extra wait time at the pharmacy. Log in to the Kaiser Permanente website. Have your prescription handy so that you have all of the information you need, and follow the prompts and questions necessary for your refill.

Call the Pharmacy Number

You can also call the Kaiser Permanente pharmacy in your area directly to have your prescription refilled. Again, just make sure that you have all your key information ready so that you’ll be able to pass through the vetting process. You’ll need your prescription, doctor’s name, ID information, date of birth and other verification information. When’s its put into the system, you simply pick it up or have it delivered to you based on the pharmacy’s rules.

Note How Many Refills You Have Left

Make sure that your prescription is refillable before trying to order more. You’ll be able to check if it is by checking the original prescription or the notification on the prescription bottle that you received the first time. Secondly, keep track of how many refills you’ve already done. Doctors will indicate exactly how many refills are allowed.

Call Your Doctor for Additional Refills

If you’ve tapped out of your available refills, call your doctor to see if a new prescription can be made. Depending on your medical condition and the medication you received, doctors can easily update prescription information as necessary. You may have to go in to see your doctor if you’re still experiencing symptoms.