Required minimum distribution (RMD) calculators help older adults determine how much they need to withdraw from their retirement accounts annually to meet requirements outlined in federal laws. Based on the SECURE 2.0 Act, the age for RMDs became 73. However, those who were subject to previous RMD rules based on their age in 2022 must continue to make the mandatory withdrawals. For example, those who turned 72 in 2022 were required to begin their minimum withdrawals last year.
Generally, it’s wise to use an RMD calculator before the minimum withdrawal is required. For the first withdrawal, the minimum amount must be withdrawn by April 1 of the year following the year a person turns 73 for those to whom the SECURE ACT 2.0 applies. For example, according to the IRS, if a person turns 73 in 2024, they’d need to transfer the funds no later than April 1, 2025, for the required 2024 distribution. As a result, it’s wise to use an RMD calculator well before that cutoff date, providing enough time to arrange for the withdrawal.
After the initial withdrawal, transfers must occur by December 31 of the applicable year. For example, the person above would need to handle their 2025 distribution by December 31, 2025.
What Retirement Accounts Have RMDs?
Generally, any retirement account that’s tax-deferred is subject to RMDs. Before the funds are withdrawn, they’ve yet to be taxed. With RMDs, the government is ensuring that taxes are collected once a person reaches a typical retirement age.
Here is an overview of retirement accounts with RMDs.
A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored tax-deferred retirement plan, so it is subject to RMDs once the person reaches the designated age. However, RMDs are delayed if you’re still working for the company that’s sponsoring the account.
It’s important to note that 401(k)s with Roth accounts are subject to RMDs in 2023. However, in 2024 and beyond, RMDs aren’t required for designated Roth accounts.
A 403(b) is a retirement plan that’s generally offered by nonprofit organizations and public schools, but it functions similarly to a 401(k) in most cases. As a tax-deferred retirement account, RMDs are mandatory once the person reaches the designated age, which is 73 for anyone who didn’t turn 72 by 2022.
As with 401(k)s, RMDs do apply to Roth accounts in 2023. In 2024 and after, RMDs aren’t required for Roth accounts in 403(b)s.
A 475(b) is a tax-deferred retirement account that’s usually available to various types of civil servants, law enforcement personnel, public safety professionals, municipal employees, and comparable professionals. Again, they’re functionally similar to 401(k)s and are subject to many of the same rules, such as RMDs once the person reaches the stated age (unless they’re still employed by the sponsoring organization).
Several types of IRAs are tax-deferred, including Traditional IRAs, Simple IRAs, and SEP IRAs. As a result, they’re subject to RMDs once a person reaches the age outlined in the regulations.
However, Roth IRAs are not subject to RMDs. That’s because those aren’t tax-deferred accounts, so the contributions have already been taxed.